Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 63 - Trails

I feel so zen recently. I am loving summer right now. I mostly play video games and listen to music. I burn incense and sleep and eat. Also, I graduated. I know that most people don't really hold that as much of an achievement but I come from a family where nobody has a college degree so I'm happy. I'm not really sure where my summer is going to go yet, but I hope it goes where I think it will. I really want Diablo 3. I don't have any idea how I'm going to get Diablo 3. Man, I really wish I had some money. I can't really get a job right now, but I really need money. I don't know that I wanna give plasma or anything like that, but I might have to if it comes down to it. Anyway, you guys should hang out with me this summer because so far I haven't really been invited to hang out very much.

-Marcus ♥

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 62 - Summer Jammin'

Well kiddos, its that time of year again. The school year is ending and for most of the people I know it is our last year in high school. For most of us that means a summer full of relaxing and getting ready to get on with our lives, and that feeling is so good. Anyway, people usually like to listen to a lot of music during the summer, and I am no exception. I introduce to you: the Summer Jams 1