Friday, June 17, 2011

Harpoon - Day 46

As you are all aware, the way I feel about life is thusly. Life fucks you in the ass with a spiky dildo until you die. And that is life. Well, I've decided that it's not that great. It's worse that that. Life doesn't just fuck you in the ass and call it good. Life likes to have a little fun with you first. Life likes to go "Oh, you know what? I'm done fucking you in the ass. I've got better shit to do because I'm mutha fuckin' life and I don't give a flying FUCK" and then you go "YAY! I'm not being fucked in the ass by a spiky dildo anymore! My life can start to improve!"

And then life starts to turn and walk away, and you are granted a momentary rest. The wounds around your now gaping asshole begin to heal, and the burns are soothed by the cool air that is now flowing in and around your ever-expanding butt cheeks. For this brief moment, life is great. And then life turns around and goes "PSYCHE! FUCK YOU I'M NEVER LETTING UP, BAHAHAHA!!!" And then he fucks you in the ass even harder than he ever did before. This is how life works and will always work. Some people can try and make the best out of their ass-fucking by saying that a God is doing the ass-fucking and that it's for a reason, but that's not really much better. Devoting (supposedly) 1/10th of your money and 1/7th of your time to someone who's fucking you in the ass just the same isn't really a lot better.

You know what? I have a story for you guys.

Once upon a time there was a whale. His name was Whaley. He was a pretty happy whale. He didn't have a whole lot, though. He had no friends, and no family. Nobody ever wanted to talk to Whaley. But he made due with what he had and was happy anyway. He was swimming along singing a song to himself when he began to feel that he needed to go up for air, as most whales tend to do. He went to the surface to get a breath of air and when he got there, he saw a boat. On the boat was a whaling crew. The whaling crew threw a harpoon at Whaley and killed him. You know why they killed him? Because they needed his guts. To make candles and shit. And they decided that they needed Whaley's guts more than Whaley needed his guts. They didn't care that Whaley liked his guts where they were, because they were only concerned with themselves. The worst part was, they didn't even just kill Whaley. They fed him first. They gave him a nice piping hot krill pie and the loved that pie with all his whaley heart. The men on the boat told Whaley to come with them and they would give him more krill pie. And Whaley followed them unknowingly being led to his own demise. The whalers pretended to be Whaley's friends, but they just wanted to kill him in the end. And yet, even after all this, Whaley still loved the whalers. He loved them because the whalers gave him a krill pie and had showed him more kindness than anyone else ever had. They had, for once, giving him something to actually be happy about. And they followed it up by harpooning him for what they wanted. And if Whaley were to somehow come back to life, he would still love them more than anyone or anything else because that's just what kinda whale Whaley was.

The End.

Life sucks and then you die.

I hate summer. It's misleading.

I hate growing up. It's also misleading. Well, not as misleading, but still shitty.

I guess life is just about powering through things and hopefully having a few good times while you're at it.

You only get one life and accomplishing things with it should be your priority. Right now, I think my priorities are few yet apparently hard to accomplish. What makes me happy is hard to come by. A lot of people have tried to convince me that happiness is self-generated. If that were true then we'd all be able to live in our own little box with nothing in it and the promise of doom yet we'd still be happy. Happiness comes from other people, whether it be because of something they made, did, or took part in, or whether it be that actual person directly. And it's a real shame when people decide that something else is worth more than that. When something else is worth more than that common good of happiness.

Whatever. My motto in the past has been "I don't care." but I think that philosophy is a bit dated for me. Not that it's a philosophy from and old time, I've just worn the fuck out of it. Now my motto is more "Life will go on." Bad things will happen. Good things will happen. More often that not, way more bad things will happen. But you know what? Life goes on. Life doesn't give a fuck whether or not bad things are happening or good things are happening, it just keeps going. So I guess I have to keep going. Plodding along the path until you ideally get another chance to smell the roses.

Save the Whales,
-Marcus ♥

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