Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 65 - Cosmic

I think the fact that nobody knows who I am can actually be used to my advantage. It's all about the positive spin, right? So instead of "no friends" I can turn it into "mysterious lone wolf". Yeah. Bad ass.

I went and saw a comedy thing tonight. It kind of reminded me that I want to be a comedian, I'm not sure if I have it in me but I'd like to get into it regardless. I need to start writing shit down and maybe I can go to an open mic night or something, who knows. I'd like that to not be one of those dreams that I just kind of forgot about or stopped trying to attain.

I need to start posting music and stuff again. I have some ideas for this blog. If you guys have anything you wanna see here then just let me know somehow, I'm pretty open to suggestions because I know you guys don't want to listen to me complain about my teenager problems all the time.

Sorry for the short blog, I have ideas for tomorrow and beyond already and I'd like to sit on them a bit longer before I break them out. Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it.


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