Monday, February 7, 2011

It's Wet - Day 23

Hey everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it? The reason for my hiatus is because over the snowpocalypse I was with Sam and I just never feel like writing whenever I'm around people. I guess it's because I use this as an outlet to rant and I can just rant to people next to me if I get that opportunity.

Speaking of the snowpocalypse, it's caused me some distress. Having to feed people in the middle of a blizzard isn't the best thing ever. And getting places sucked with all the snow. My tiny car can only get so far D:

While Sam was over at my house a pipe broke. And water started pouring out of my wall. It was scary as shit. I eventually figured out how to turn the water off, and after some cleaning I migrated to Sam's house for the remainder of my mom's vacation. So basically I was with Sam all break. I'm going to refer to it as a break because it basically was.

I feel like I had a million and one things I wanted to talk about and I just forgot about all of them. Oh well, that's okay. I'm sure I'll remember them soon-ish.

One thing I did kinda want to talk about was the super bowl. The game was good, but over in the first half. The half time show sucked a lot, but I didn't really have any expectations because the Black Eyed Peas are shit live. They make okay songs, especially their old stuff. Like Where is the Love? That shit's awesome.

But anyway, I have a couple favors to ask you guys. The first one is a little bit easier. I'm on Loyalty nominations and tomorrow is secondary voting. If you guys think that I should win, then if you could vote for me that'd be great :]

The second favor I have to ask is that I want to get a domain name. The price depends on how much I want to buy at a time, but it looks like if I want my domain name for a month or so I'm going to need 20-30 dollars if we really want that to happen.

Ugh, it really bothers me that I can't remember what I wanted to talk about because now I feel like I'm being a bad blogger because I haven't updated in a year and now I update with a 2 second blog post. Oh well. I'll try and get to you guys tomorrow.

Your King,
Marcus ♥

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