Thursday, August 25, 2011

Waiting is lonliness - Day 53

Day one of school.


Also known as the five P's of indoctrination.

Not sleeping is taking its toll.
-8:08 AM

My tummy hurts
-8:10 AM

Is mayonnaise an instrument?
-8:34 AM

Adults at central = all retarded
-9:35 AM

Someone being offended at the word retarded because they know someone who is retarded is like being offended if someone says asian because you know someone who is asian.
-10:50 AM

In the counselor's office. Teachers, parents, people in general, all stupid. Counselors are not efficient at all.
-12:19 PM

Feeling really bad. Physically. WTF, physical fitness.
- 1:19 PM

Attendance nerf
- 1:53 PM

Fading. So tired.
- 2:14 PM

Trippin' balls. Ability to function deteriorating. Must sleep soon.
- 2:55 PM

Also, I like seals. They're good people.
- 2:55 PM

School makes me lonely no matter what happens.
- 2:57 PM

People really are all alone. Sometimes you're just alone with other people.
-2:58 PM

I wish I knew what time it is.
- 2:59 PM

Waiting isn't much fun.
- 3:01 PM

I just checked the time. It's actually 3:19.
- 3:19 PM

yay school.

Hasn't slept for a long ass time so forgot how to use these closing thingies,
Marcus ♥

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