Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Holes - Day 54

I hate the people my dad marries. Like, seriously? Fuck them. They're ruining my fucking life. People are ruining my life. Without people, I could just do what I want. I seriously just want to bury myself in a hole and just live there. Nobody wants me around. Nobody likes me. I've been thinking about suicide a lot since school started again. I fucking hate school. It turns people into such shit heads. Everyone gets so wrapped up in all this superficial shit that they wouldn't otherwise. Because people are things to impress. It's all so hypocritical. Like, school is just a building where people can go to finger each others ass holes, except you have to go to school. And if you don't want to finger somebody's ass, well then you're a failure because when it comes right down to it we're all just a society of ass fingerers. So anyway, suicide. I don't think I want to commit suicide right now, but I'm pretty sure that's how I eventually want to go. How life goes will depend on whether or not it happens sooner or later I s'pose. Fuck life. Fuck how it works. I wish I was a fish or something. Something that was never aware of itself. I'm so fucking alone right now.

Chicken Wraps,
Marcus <3

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