Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Suck - Day 33

I haven't posted in forever. The reason for this is that, once again, I do not have consistent access to a computer because I just moved to my dad's house. I should be receiving a laptop here in a week or two, and then I can get back to it. For all 2 of you who care, I got 3rd at states, which wins me a medal that I'll be getting like a month and a half from now :\

The only thing I really have on my mind right now is that I would like to establish this social norm. Some of you may have noticed that when I go to the bathroom I usually turn on the fan sucky thingy. This is mostly because it makes me uncomfortable when people listen to me go to the bathroom. Secondly, it's a secondary cue as to whether or not someone is in the bathroom, so that way you have extra protection of your privacy should you forget to lock the door or something. So I personally think everyone should do this, mostly because then I would feel less weird doing it, also because I would like to say that I started a social standard and revolutionized the world of house bathrooms.

Um, yeah. That's all.

With the sucky thing on,
Marcus ♥

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Redemption Pt. 1 - Day 32

I'm going to Kansas City for Pokemon TCG states this weekend, so fuck you guys. Also I'm moving into my dad's on Sunday. Have a nice weekend, fuckers.

Marcus ♥

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Is it over yet? - Day 31

I want this year to be over. I'm done with classes where I have to do shit. Not that I do any of that shit, but it's nice to not have to do that shit when I'm not doing it. Next year's schedule is going to consist primarily of P.E. it seems. And Health. Good times will be had by all. And not Marcus.

This library. Holy shit, I just realized there's a fucking phone in front of me. Like an iPhone. Someone left it here. Sucks to be them.

inb4 awkward moment when they come looking for their phone and read my blog.

I'm so bad at typing.

I'm not the biggest fan of the library but it's whatever. My internet is working now my mom just needs to get her god damn account re-setup. Fuck my mom. She doesn't even listen to the words I say because she has no communication skills. And my dad won't text me back so I have no idea when I'm moving over there. Hopefully soon. And I want a laptop. And the forty bucks he owes me and that I now owe my brother.

I haaaate everything. Especially IAs. Especially when you have to turn them in to subpar teachers that don't get your emails because their too busy dicking around with being mean.

Whatever, I don't have much else to say for now. If you're reading this and you don't have an account to follow me with you should do that so I get an ego boost and don't kill myself because at this rate I probably will.

-Marcus ♥

Monday, March 7, 2011

Bored All the Time - Day 30

I have no internet. I will have no internet until Wednesday. I am at the library. Kill me now.

Also: Day 30. Yayyyyy.

Wishes he was playing Pokemon,
Marcus ♥

Thursday, March 3, 2011

aleaffalls - Day 29

I feel like the world is falling to shit around me and I'm by myself in everything. What the fuck is going on?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

You Suck - Day 28

I'm sick and tired of self-centered people. Like, really really sick of it. People who are just absolutely so ignorant that they don't understand that there's more to life outside themselves, and the worst part is 90% of the time they're too stupid to realize it. Like, what the fuck are they thinking. Maybe this thing isn't about you, or maybe we don't care what that situation would be like in your context. Maybe we just really don't give half a shit about what you think or have to say. Maybe you have no value. Maybe you're dumb. Sure, people tell you when you're young that you should love yourself so that others can love you, but that doesn't mean make yourself the center of the god damn spectrum and when something becomes out of line with your fucking shitty ass spectrum you try and correct it or punish it. Like, fuck you. Fuck you a lot.

Speaking of things I hate, number 2 on the list for today. Posting dubstep songs on facebook. Like, what the fuck, dubstep isn't underground anymore. It's peaking into the mainstream, especially here at central, and you're not cool because you posted a pop-dubstep song. And you're not cool because you linked one in reply, and you're not cool because you posted "I've heard this before and it is okay." I don't have a problem with dubstep, in fact, 75% of what I listen to right now is dubstep, but I just really don't like when people flaunt dubstep around like the ability to like dubstep is a skill or you're unique because of it. Fuck you. I don't give a fuck if you listen to Borgore or Datsik. It doesn't make you special. We've already heard it before, so you don't need to link it to your god damn wall.


I hate when people don't realize the simplicity of pop songs, but not even like, the really generic ones. The one I'm thinking of specifically is "Born This Way". I don't necessarily dislike the song, but I don't like how everyone thinks it's so unique because Lady Gaga is so different and creepy and the song doesn't have a black male in it. It's still a fucking generic-ass pop song. Apparently all it takes to get number 1 nowadays is a generic universal message and a beat that doesn't sound EXACTLY like another beat, which means borrowing from another non-pop genre. coughbritneyspearscoughholditagainstmecough.


The first thing you're saying (or rather, thinking) is probably "Marcus, you always talk about stupid people!" But I'm getting specific with this one. And this one is probably a universal hate. People who stand in the hallway right where people are supposed to be walking. Are people just that unaware nowadays that they don't even know what the fuck is happening right next to them? The fact that they are causing a hundred people to funnel into a tiny opening next to them because they don't know where to fucking stand? What a bunch of fucking useless shits. They could die and nobody would give a fuck. In fact I'm sure they have more people rooting for a knife to the face or a stray meteor to smite them all at once. But seriously, you can think of the hallways as a fucking road. Stay to the right. Nobody ever fucking does that though. They all just dick around in circles because they don't have the brain capacity to know what the fuck is going on outside of their little shitbubble. You don't see cars stop in the middle of the road and just fucking sit there. Which brings me onward, I'd also like to point out the people who park in non-spaces. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? Firstly, it's not legal, it's not like people are going to let you get by with that because there's no more spots or WHYEVER the fuck you do it. Secondly, YOU ARE MAKING ALL OF US HAVE TO DRIVE AROUND YOU BECAUSE YOU PARKED IN THE GOD DAMN STREET. Fuck you. If I had another car in reserve, I'd fucking smash mine into yours simply because I'd win that lawsuit because you parked in the fucking street, dumbass. Go die and make the human race that much purer please.

Man, I've got a lot to fucking talk about today.

Next up is why trolling is stupid. Trolling is funny. Sometimes. But when people decide that trolling is easier than wit (memes often create this complex) but if you are literally always trolling, what's the difference between that and being actually stupid? There isn't one, because you are stupid.

On a related note, I hate how society rewards copy/pasters. Those who can express themselves using what others have created is the best option, and being a creator poses little to no reward. Example 1: People who read debate cards are smart. Why do people think debaters are automatically smart? All they do is read from pieces of paper. They don't actually know what they fuck they're talking about like 90% of the time. But people like to go "Oh, big words, must be a smart guy". Also memes. Who do people think is funny? People who can constantly spout memes or quote TV shows at the right times. Why? Why are they funny because of that? They didn't actually do anything except allow themselves to be the vessel for the already existent joke that was present because it's a fucking meme. I think it's just because people feel like everyone has to have a skill, and so they've created these facets so that they have something to be the best at, and everyone accepts it because they're dumb as fuck.

I also hate two-faced people. They think nobody will notice, because most people don't, but I do. Fuck you.

I guess that's all for today. What the fuck is going on. People just decided they would all shit their brains out a couple weeks ago, I guess.

Surrounded by dumbfucks,
Marcus ♥

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Miranda Cosgrove - Day 27

I LOVE MIRANDA COSGROVE. LOVE. Oh my god. Love. I'm watching an interview of her and my heart is beating so fast that it's starting to pump cum into my blood stream. Oh my god. ohmigawdohmigawdohmigawd. OH MY GOD. I WANT TO MEET HER. I love her. So much.

Also this.

ohmigawd. yes.

So, I haven't actually written this thing in a fucking year and a half, and some things are a bit different. Firstly, it's pretty official that I'm moving to my dad's house. Which is good in the sense that I won't ever have to see my mom again, and as far as living arrangements goes, I'll pretty much just have my own apartment in the basement and I won't really be bothered by anyone. Which is sweet as shit. Thing two: I'm going to finally get my laptop soon. I hope. My dad's getting some money soon and that's on his priority list somewhere.

Thing three: I obtained Starcraft 2. So expect me to be less productive in everything I do.

Um, what else can I talk about. I kinda want to visit California. Really bad. It seems so chill there. I don't care if everyone thinks it's full of fake dumb people, because it is. But I wanna go there and just sleep and meet famous people. All day. AND MIRANDA FUCKING COSGROVE.

Um, what else happened? The cultural diversity assembly? I'm pretty sure at this point everyone knows it's a fucking joke. Black people go "Hey, I'm black, and I'm awesome because of it." But that's completely counter-productive to integration. The ideal is to have all races integrated and have it not be a big deal, well, if you keep making a big deal out of your own race and differentiate yourself because of it, then nothing is ever going to happen. Also, I like thinking of the opposite of a black pride assembly, and that would be a white pride assembly. So there's that double standard right thur.

OH SHIT SOMEONE GIVE ME TWENTY DOLLARS TO BE AN ADORABLE HAT. I need one of those anime hats with ears. Or an adventure time hat. Seriously. I love Adventure Time. I saw that for the first time this past weekend and I fell in love. That shit is so good. And it makes me want a hat. With ears. Must have ear hat.

Someone buy me an ear hat.

Namely that bottom left one.

So, you know what I don't like? How adults always demand respect. Like living was justification for respect. Age is not the same as intelligence. I can be smarter than you without being as old as you. There's like a threshold. If there's a genius who is 17, he's just a smart ass kid, but if there's a genius who is 21, he's way smarter than you could ever imagine. My point is, fuck adults. Their the maaaaaaaan. Fuck the man. Also I think I spelled some words wrong which makes me feel dumb but that's okay because fuck you.

Oh, also, new Ke$ha song. nbd.

Miranda Cosgrove is better. Fuck I need to play Pokemon. Both the new DS games and the card game.

Anyway, I'm done for today.

Miranda Cosgrove

I mean Marcus. ♥