Also this.
ohmigawd. yes.
So, I haven't actually written this thing in a fucking year and a half, and some things are a bit different. Firstly, it's pretty official that I'm moving to my dad's house. Which is good in the sense that I won't ever have to see my mom again, and as far as living arrangements goes, I'll pretty much just have my own apartment in the basement and I won't really be bothered by anyone. Which is sweet as shit. Thing two: I'm going to finally get my laptop soon. I hope. My dad's getting some money soon and that's on his priority list somewhere.
Thing three: I obtained Starcraft 2. So expect me to be less productive in everything I do.
Um, what else can I talk about. I kinda want to visit California. Really bad. It seems so chill there. I don't care if everyone thinks it's full of fake dumb people, because it is. But I wanna go there and just sleep and meet famous people. All day. AND MIRANDA FUCKING COSGROVE.
Um, what else happened? The cultural diversity assembly? I'm pretty sure at this point everyone knows it's a fucking joke. Black people go "Hey, I'm black, and I'm awesome because of it." But that's completely counter-productive to integration. The ideal is to have all races integrated and have it not be a big deal, well, if you keep making a big deal out of your own race and differentiate yourself because of it, then nothing is ever going to happen. Also, I like thinking of the opposite of a black pride assembly, and that would be a white pride assembly. So there's that double standard right thur.
OH SHIT SOMEONE GIVE ME TWENTY DOLLARS TO BE AN ADORABLE HAT. I need one of those anime hats with ears. Or an adventure time hat. Seriously. I love Adventure Time. I saw that for the first time this past weekend and I fell in love. That shit is so good. And it makes me want a hat. With ears. Must have ear hat.
Someone buy me an ear hat.
Namely that bottom left one.
So, you know what I don't like? How adults always demand respect. Like living was justification for respect. Age is not the same as intelligence. I can be smarter than you without being as old as you. There's like a threshold. If there's a genius who is 17, he's just a smart ass kid, but if there's a genius who is 21, he's way smarter than you could ever imagine. My point is, fuck adults. Their the maaaaaaaan. Fuck the man. Also I think I spelled some words wrong which makes me feel dumb but that's okay because fuck you.
Oh, also, new Ke$ha song. nbd.
Miranda Cosgrove is better. Fuck I need to play Pokemon. Both the new DS games and the card game.
Anyway, I'm done for today.
Miranda Cosgrove
I mean Marcus. ♥
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