Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Suck - Day 33

I haven't posted in forever. The reason for this is that, once again, I do not have consistent access to a computer because I just moved to my dad's house. I should be receiving a laptop here in a week or two, and then I can get back to it. For all 2 of you who care, I got 3rd at states, which wins me a medal that I'll be getting like a month and a half from now :\

The only thing I really have on my mind right now is that I would like to establish this social norm. Some of you may have noticed that when I go to the bathroom I usually turn on the fan sucky thingy. This is mostly because it makes me uncomfortable when people listen to me go to the bathroom. Secondly, it's a secondary cue as to whether or not someone is in the bathroom, so that way you have extra protection of your privacy should you forget to lock the door or something. So I personally think everyone should do this, mostly because then I would feel less weird doing it, also because I would like to say that I started a social standard and revolutionized the world of house bathrooms.

Um, yeah. That's all.

With the sucky thing on,
Marcus ♥

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