Okay, so I'm going to start this off by ranting about something I heard in personal finance. Now, since I've apparently established teacher bashing as a thing, I'm going to do it a little more freely perhaps. We all know Mr. White is a huge dumb ass. But I guess this is not specifically about him. Most people take this approach where they live modestly and spend their entire lives saving up so they can retire and live well, right? This is just the American philosophy of economics to the Joe-Schmoe kinda person. Work hard so you can provide for you and your family and retire and hopefully move to a big house in Florida or some shit. But why the fuck would you want to do that? Why wouldn't you just fucking live life when you're actually mentally capable and have a decent definition of fun with no ties? Like, why would you want to save your good-time having for when you can barely walk, your genitals don't work anymore, and your definition of having a good time is like, drinking orange juice without shitting your pants. It just doesn't make any sense to me.

Yes, I have a bit of an agenda today.
Secondly, a lot of people who have graduated have gotten big heads about everything. Like, fucking congrats, you're not in high school anymore, are you suddenly smarter? No? Then shut the fuck up, please. You're not any better than me.
Next I'd just like to talk about YouTube a little bit because it's something I'd just like to say whether or not anyone actually knows what I'm talking about. YouTube has been around for a while and we've all watched videos on it for a long time, but back in the day when YouTube was it's own company and not bought out by Google, it had a simple concept. There were featured videos on the front page every day and that was like the ultimate goal. Other than that you could just watch other things that people uploaded kind of like you can today. However, one fateful morning I remember seeing a video at the very top of the front page called something along the lines of "We Three Kings" or something like that. Something about being kings. And basically it was the creators of YouTube laughing their asses of because they just got like a billion dollars from Google for their website. They assured us nothing would change, and at first, nothing did. BUT NOW LOOK AT THIS SHIT. It's fucking product placement city. Thirty second ads to full blown movie trailers, ad bars all over the fucking sides, VEVO and the music industry, every company has their own YouTube channel and everything. While YouTube has grown to grow it's own community and I appreciate that it exists, I am definitely not happy with what Google has done to it. But I guess that's the direction that everything is headed towards with Internet slowly becoming the new TV.
Speaking of which, I'd also like to talk about why I blog and why I make such a big deal out of it as I do. I strongly believe that the Internet is where the world is headed. It's an amazing tool, and I really want to be a part of it, as shitty as it can be sometimes. I'd like to try my best at building up some sort of internet presence because that's what I really want to do and what I'm passionate about. At the very least, letting me vent on this blog has been really good for me and it'll get me through the times until something better can come along. Thanks for those of you who a frequent readers.
Eternally Yours,
-Marcus ♥
P.S. Desktop buddy still exists you awful people. Go like the facebook page and tell all your friends.