Monday, May 30, 2011

Droplets - Day 43

Intentions of purity are best represented by the eyes of those that we love, that love us. In an ever expanding breadth of doubt, of shit, perhaps this brief moment of serenity can give us the strength to move on into the future, headstrong and willing. Maybe this sparkling drop in a sea of murk can overcome the odds and permeate the pollutants. Just maybe. And it may take time, and it may take effort, but it will happen, and the day will come. Many will have passed, many will not see the result of our efforts. But maybe it can happen. Maybe we can create something bigger than ourselves, and it starts with what I see in the halo of your eyes. Maybe hope is real.

I like to think that that can be my monologue and the end of the movie to my life.

Since there wasn't a music Thursday, here's some music.

This next song has a cool fan-made video. It's all scenes from pornos and movie sex scenes, but not the sex parts.

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