"No, mom, it's cold!"
"Put on some pants then!"
"Fuck you, mom."
IT'S FRIGGIN COLD IN THIS BASEMENT. I've been going to bed at the early time of midnight these past couple nights, and not so much that I've been tired, it's because my basement is a meat locker and at midnight I start to feel the effects of hypothermia setting in.
Anyway, it's Christmas Eve and I'm feeling a sever lack of excitement. My maternal unit decided that we wouldn't put up a tree, do presents, or celebrate Christmas hardly at all this year. Instead I get to hide from strangers all day and shove my annoyance of how Koreans always touch you into the nether regions of my mind.
Christmas is an interesting day. Like, if you look at it from a more objective point of view, it's kinda weird. Like how everything shuts down on that one day and everyone stays home and buys each other stuff. All the tradition surrounding it is so followed. It's like... woah man. Christmas and stuff. I also haven't had the opportunity to listen to Christmas music that most people are already sick of. What a shame.
Consumerism seems to be a big deal during the Christmas season. We get to watch people fight over things to buy their toddlers from the day of Black Friday all the way till January. I don't really get it though. I feel like to get someone a truly good gift you shouldn't know what they wanted, but because everyone wants to get the right thing, they pass out lists. Well, what's the point in that? "Here, I got you this thing you wanted and knew I was going to buy you, which normally is a shitty way to get someone something, but because it's Christmas that's okay, right?" Jesus would be ashamed. Or is ashamed. I dunno, he's dead and alive at the same time. Maybe it's just America. Maybe we just like buying things. Just kidding, I know we like buying things. BECAUSE WE FUCKING CAN. Here's a picture to diagram this situation.

A masterpiece if I do say so myself. Also, I'm completely in love with this quote from Jon LaJoie AKA MC Vagina.
"To celebrate my birth, give what little you have to wealthy people in exchange for material goods made by the poor" Jesus
I just realized I have been sitting in this chair for a long ass time. Oh well, no point in stopping now.
Oh yeah, yesterday I was watching Blizzcon 2010 footage, and this is when I started to finally figure out that I'm just really turned on by nerdy things. Dance contest. Orc female. My male hormones went crazy. Nuff said.
One day I'll find a girl, and her facebook will say "I play WoW, am attractive, and I'm looking for a cynic to fuck." And I will say "sup baby gurl, word on the street is you like cynics who play WoW and stuff." and she will say "ya man let's get in on right now" and I will say "this is facebook we can't get it on" and she will say "oh, right, well let's meet somewhere and then get it on" and then we will. And then I'll wake up with wet bed sheets. But I'll be tired so I'll lay there for a little while anyway.
Shit I'm cold. Do you ever stick your hands in your pants to keep them warm then realize that you can't type when you do that so you wish you could grow two more hands so you can type but then you realize that doesn't work because then your new hands would be cold? Because that sounds like something from Scrubs.
Guh, I can't think of anything to write about because I haven't done anything today because it's Christmas so everyone is out of town because nobody is like "No, I'll leave here for Springfield, it's fine."
Anyway, I think I'm done for today. But don't worry, we'll talk tomorrow baby ;]
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