Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hats - Day 2

Winter break has begun. And so has boredom. I am thankful for the current relatively positive response to my blog thus far, and we are off with day 2.

Firstly, I would like to address yesterday's post. Apparently some found it... LESS THAN STELLAR!


I am ashamed of that pun, yet proud at the same time.

Anyway, here's what I have to say about that.
Boo fucking hoo. I said something about your small time dance crew. I said I didn't like it. I'm sorry if you think you perform perfectly every single time and everyone loves you, maybe you should get your head out of the clouds. Take criticism like a legitimate performer would, and improve based on it, don't just run around with this "BUT MY MOMMY LIKED IT SO IT'S OBVIOUSLY PERFECT" mentality. I don't mean to hate on them this much, because I do like that they wanted to do something and put themselves out there to do it. But that doesn't mean I have to think they are good. Just like I can think a video advocating for North Korea is poorly made without being insensible to the plight of the North Korean people. Anyway, I don't regret anything I said, and I still stand by it.

Anyway, I seem to be in a rage-y mood today because I woke up too early. So let's continue this trend, shall we?

(inb4 GOD MARCUS ALL YOU TALK ABOUT IS VIDEO GAMES, just fucking read the thing)

I played a ranked game of League of Legends today. Some guy has the balls to say that we only won because of him, I argue that you can't win by yourself and our entire team did well. He is a close minded piece of shit. If there's anything in this world that renews my "everyone is stupid" meter, it's the following things:

League of Legends PuGs
Youtube comments


Substance seems to be something that lacks in just about everything nowadays. The two examples I can think of right now are Stellar Crew and memes. Stellar Crew, simply because they think that gimmicks can cover up things. Memes because they substitute wit. Memes give people who aren't funny or clever an out to being funny AND clever. Why? What makes a person funny because they read something somewhere and used it how it was supposed to be used? That's like saying "Woah, that guy is driving a car, he really knows how to use machinery." Not really, because he's just driving it because he knows that's what you do with a car, and everyone else is also driving a car.

TL;DR: Memes are cars.

I also feel like wit is less valued because of things like this. It's like if people had rocket shoes and could suddenly fly, we wouldn't appreciate birds for being able to fly anymore. We'd just be like "Fuck you bird, outta my way!" and then move on.

And God forbid you poop on anyone's parade because then they have to venture outside of their happy bubble and do something worthwhile! They just want to be happy with their parade and think that's all there is to life.

Well, I got some news for you sister. I'm a bird, and I'm not gonna put up with your fucking rocket shoes because I've gotta take a giant dump on this sad ass parade balloon.

TL;DR: Shitters gonna shit.

I'm reminded of the song Bulls on Parade by Rage Against the Machine. Listen to this song for the duration of the blog.

I wanna burn something now. Too bad it's -20 degrees in my basement because my mom thinks a fire place upstairs is a replacement for heating.

I think I want to rant about playing the victim now. I hate how everyone does it. Namely in situations where it couldn't apply. For example, we have a smart young man here. His name is Alfred. Alfred is a smart student who always has good grades in his classes. He has a test in his Calculus class tomorrow, so he studies for six hours. A bit much, to say the least. He comes to school the next day, and after taking the test he tells his friends "Oh my god, I did so bad on that test I wasn't prepared at all!"
Shut up, Alfred. Nobody gives a rats ass if you think you're some poor unfortunate soul
(queue music)

because you ONLY got to study SIX HOURS between getting accepted to Harvard and bed time. You probably got the highest grade in the class, and your status will remain the same. Even if AFTER YOU GET YOUR TEST BACK YOU SAY YOU DID POORLY. Seriously, when was the last time you hear someone say "I feel prepared for this because I studied an adequate amount and comprehended most of the basic concepts." IB only matters to get the diploma, the diploma only matters to get into college, college only matters to get the diploma. Adequacy is your friend. Over achieving is excessive.

Anyway, I'm gonna take my anger out on some bugs or my brother or something.

Sincerely with love and affection,
Marcus <3

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