Monday, January 10, 2011

Zombie Love - Day 13

Hay gurl. You're lookin' real good.

I'm gonna start off by showing you guys two of my favorite comedian videos on YouTube.

This first one I like because of the last guy.

And this one I like because of buffet guy. And the last guy.

Anyway, someone in my Computer Apps class said they didn't like dubstep because it all sounded the same. Well or course it all sounds the same, it's a fucking genre of music. If it sounded like something else then it wouldn't be fucking dubstep. What's the kid expecting, dubstep with acoustic guitar and an accordion?

Also Norm Ridder came into that same class and the first thing he says to Mrs. Ryan is "Yeah, I ran into some kids playing Monopoly in the next room over." And she made up this bull shit excuse that they were in her accounting class and were practicing for a final. Made me lol.

I thought I was done showing you guys videos but I refound this and I love it.

I'm cold.

So I'm changing my schedule. I'm excited. Less IB classes. Yayyyyyy. I have Lib and Law, Personal Finance, AND Debate. Yes. Victory thy name is already being to graduate.

I kinda want the t-shirt design to be "Zombie Love" With a man zombie and a lady zombie. Let me know what you think.

Thanks for all the support you guys have given me. It really motivates me to write this poopery and make me real happy and stuff.

Your zombie,
Marcus ♥

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