Friday, January 14, 2011

The Holo Magikarp - Day 16

So you'll never guess what happened today. I went to Professor Oak and the first thing he says is "Are you a boy or a girl?" And I'm like "wtf, I'm a guy" and he's like "Oh yes, of course. What's my grandson's name?" And I'm like "idk, bro he's your poophead grandson" and he's like "Ah yes, his name is POOPHEAD" and I'm like "No need to yell, man."

Anyway, I picked Charmander and Poophead picked a Squirtle because he's a fucking dick.

Sometimes being a Pokemon trainer is hard. But it's okay, because I have this blog to keep me in the game, y'know?

Anyway, I need to go to that Pewter City Gym thing now, so I'll seeya guys later.

Pokemon Trainer,
Marcus ♥

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